
The Brophy community mourned the loss of one of its most beloved faculty members in 1991. Paul Micheletti, long time administrator, faculty member and head soccer coach (1981-91), was fatally injured in a traffic accident in Merced, CA on July 24, 1991. He and his family were en route to a vacation in the Sierras. Mr. Micheletti is remembered as a person who was completely dedicated to the ideals and principles of Jesuit education.

Mr. Micheletti was the Assistant Principal of Student Services, Computer Science Department Chairman, Summer School Principal, and the founder of Brophy’s successful soccer program.

“It is hard to think of anyone more valuable to the school in terms of the variety of tasks he performed and the spirit he brought,” said Rev. Francis Stiegler, then Brophy’s principal (1988-92).

On the field, Mr. Micheletti was one of the state’s most successful prep soccer coaches and is remembered as having a close relationship with his players. He was a lot more than a coach to his players. He was a friend to a lot of the Broncos, and went beyond the field or classroom to help them out.

If / when the Brophy vs. Marcos “REPLAY” occurs, any monies received or generated as part of the campaign will go toward the Paul A. Micheletti Memorial Fund at Brophy Prep.

We miss you Mick!

– Your ’90 state champions!